Xurxo Vidal

COO @ Bloom

Digital Marketing / January 26, 2009

New LinkedIn Group for PPC Pros in Canada


In an attempt to make it easier for PPC professionals and aficionados from around Canada to connect with each other on LinkedIn, we recently launched a new LinkedIn group: PPC Pros Canada. This group facilitates discussions on cutting edge pay per click strategies, industry news, trends and insights by leveraging the tools that LinkedIn provides.

Paid Media / December 15, 2008

How Exact Match Keywords Can Kill Your Quality Score


Using all match types in PPC advertising is crucial to getting the best results. Broad matched keywords allow you to cast a wider net while phrase and exact matched keywords help you refine and filter out unwanted traffic. But simply including all keyword match types in your campaigns for each and every keyword will not always make sense to do.

At Bloom, we do one thing really well
We build very profitable campaigns.

It’s both very simple, and infinitely complex.

Some people call it magic. We call it digital marketing.