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AdWords rolls out price extensions for mobile

For those of us who love new features, AdWords is busy pushing all our novelty buttons.

In mid-July, AdWords rolled out a brand spanking new ad extension that enables anyone running mobile ads to feature additional information about their products and services. Now if you are in the top position on searchers’ mobile results, you can highlight text links with product details and pricing below your AdWords text ad.

With price extensions, AdWords introduces another innovative way to seize more valuable real estate on the search results page. This latest extension gives users more information up front, and enables searchers to click deeper into your site based on available information.

For first position ads on mobile only

As with all ad extensions in AdWords, there are currently a few conditions that apply. For your price extensions to appear in the search results, your ad needs to be in the top position. And price extensions only appear in the mobile search results, which means your site better be optimized for mobile before you get these up and running.

How to make the most of price extensions

Just like all your other favourite ad extensions, you can manage price extensions via the ad extensions tab in your AdWords account.

Advertisers can add price extensions on the account, campaign or ad group level. This is important! Make sure you scale this information accordingly. If you are adding your price extensions at a higher level (for example, the campaign level), take them up to a higher level on your site to make sure they apply to more general searches.

For example, if you sell wristwatches, at the campaign level maybe your price extensions spit into men’s watches and women’s watches. But when you get more granular on the ad group level, your price extensions could provide links and prices for specific watches you wish to feature.

So many new features, so many opportunities

It does feel like AdWords is exploding with dozens of opportunities for feature-hungry advertisers. At this rate, many of our campaigns are going to be completely different animals by the time business starts to ramp up in September. Of course, not all new features will work for all advertisers and campaigns, but we recommend breaking out an AdGroup to test each and every one. Let the fun begin.

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