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AdWords Editor Keyboard Shortcuts

The AdWords Editor is an indispensable tool to for anyone working in AdWords and, like with any tool, speed and efficiency are key to getting anything done.

Below are handy keyboard shortcuts that you can use in the AdWords Editor. Of course there are differences between Macs and Windows computers, so we’ve included both shortcut lists. If you’re a MAC user, just click here and it will bring you down to the MAC section.

We hope that these “sacred” keybindings will help improve the daily efficiency of your AdWords management!

AdWords Editor Shortcuts – Windows

Type of action Action Keyboard shortcut
Download, post,
or check changes
Open account Ctrl+O
Add new account Ctrl+N
Get recent changes – basic (faster) Ctrl+T
Get recent changes – more data (slower) Ctrl+Shift+T
Check changes Ctrl+K
Post changes Ctrl+P
Import Ctrl+I
Import from text Ctrl+Shift+I
Search or edit Search Ctrl+F
Clear filters Ctrl+L
Select all items in data view Ctrl+A
Make multiple changes Ctrl+Shift+B
Undo Ctrl+Z
Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z
Revert selected changes
(Turn this shortcut on or off in Tools > Settings.)
Remove selected items Delete key
Accept proposals Ctrl+[
Reject proposals Ctrl+]
Pause selected items Ctrl+Shift+P
Activate selected items Ctrl+Shift+A
Copy selected items Ctrl+C
Copy just keyword text or placement URLs Ctrl+Shift+C
Cut selected items Ctrl+X
Paste items Ctrl+V
Replace text in selected items Ctrl+H
Append text to selected items Ctrl+Shift+H
Change text capitalization Ctrl+Alt+H
Change URLs Ctrl+U
Change bids Ctrl+B
Navigate Move one cell to the right in the data view Tab
Move one cell to the left in the data view Shift+Tab
Move one cell up/down in the data view Up/Down arrow
Move between tree view and data view Alt+Right/Left arrow
Jump to views Ctrl+number
(Ctrl+1 for Campaigns,
Ctrl+2 for Type list,
Ctrl+3 for Shared library,
Ctrl+4 for Data view,
Ctrl+5 for Edit panel)
Make first cell editable F2
Close window Ctrl+W


AdWords Editor Shortcuts – MAC

Type of action Action Keyboard shortcut
Download, post,
or check changes
Open account Cmd+O
Add new account Cmd+N
Get recent changes – basic (faster) Cmd+T
Get recent changes – more data (slower) Cmd+Alt+T
Check changes Cmd+K
Post changes Cmd+P
Import Cmd+I
Import from text Cmd+Shift+I
Search or edit Search Cmd+F
Clear filters Cmd+L
Select all items in data view Cmd+A
Make multiple changes Cmd+Shift+B
Undo Cmd+Z
Redo Cmd+Shift+Z
Revert selected changes
(Turn this shortcut on or off in AdWords Editor > Preferences.)
Remove selected items Delete key
Accept proposals Cmd+[
Reject proposals Cmd+]
Pause selected items Cmd+Shift+P
Activate selected items Cmd+Shift+A
Copy selected items Cmd+C
Copy just keyword text or placement URLs Cmd+Shift+C
Cut selected items Cmd+X
Paste items Cmd+V
Replace text in selected items Cmd+Alt+F
Append text to selected items Cmd+Shift+H
Change text capitalization Cmd+Alt+H
Change URLs Cmd+U
Change bids Cmd+B
Navigate Move one cell to the right in the data view Tab
Move one cell to the left in the data view Shift+Tab
Move one cell up/down in the data view Up/Down arrow
Move between tree view and data view Alt+Right/Left arrow
Jump to views Cmd+number
(Cmd+1 for Campaigns,
Cmd+2 for Type list,
Cmd+3 for Shared library,
Cmd+4 for Data view,
Cmd+5 for Edit panel)
Make first cell in selected row editable F2
Close window Cmd+W
Open AdWords Editor settings Cmd+,
Hide AdWords Editor Cmd+H
Hide other applications Cmd+Alt+H


Hope this helps!

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